Saturday, Sept 13, athletes from Whitefish Mountain Race Team, coaches, parents and supporters climbed Great Northern Mountain. Photos and a Google Earth map may be viewed at:
Indian summer weather gave the hikers excellent weather for their ascent on one of the northwest’s most spectacular mountains. Starting on the forest floor near Hungry Horse Reservoir, the hikers climbed through thinning forest eventually finishing the hike on rocky trail well above the tree line.
Wonderful views and sounds of the wild were enjoyed by the group. Elk were heard bugling and sighted, coyotes howled, and eagles soared by. A mountain goat shared the summit with the group as they arrived at the summit. The hike rewarded the hikers with seeming limitless 360 degree views of Glacier Park, Jewel Basin, Hungry Horse Reservoir, and back to the hiker’s base of operations, Big Mountain.
The hikers included: Oliver Van Everen, Heidi Van Everen, Scott Kahle, Coach Dick Collins, Deborah Pacheco, Coach Tom Pacheco, Tomac Walkensky, and Coach Roy Loman.
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